Counter fraud work statistics
Information about the council's counter fraud work. -
School expenditure on supply staff
Expenditure on supply staff by LEA maintained schools, including expenditure on agency supply staff. -
The statutory register of brownfield land in the borough. -
Homeless households
Households recognised as homeless. -
Parking Account
The council's parking account, including a breakdown of income and expenditure and detail of how any surplus is spent. -
Parking spaces
The number of parking spaces in the borough. -
Senior Salaries
An annual statement of the remuneration of senior employees. -
Senior posts
A list of employees that make up the management structure of the council. -
Senior salaries count
Count of the number of employees earning over £50k. -
Pay multiple
Hounslow Council pay multiple, defined as the ratio between the highest paid taxable earnings for the given year (including base salary, variable pay, bonuses, allowances and... -
Trade union facility time
Trade union facility time. -
Public toilets
Public conveniences in the London Borough of Hounslow. -
airtravel updated
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List of reported companies 2017-2020
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List of reported agencies 2017-2020
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Government of Canada News
Scraping Canada.ca/news to produce a CSV of news releases -
This dataset has no description
large csv
large csv for test -
test csv sigma2
dsa sadasd -
This dataset has no description
chart builder
adding chart builder -
Lat and Lon
testing map builder and chart builder -
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
Sample data
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