This dataset has no description
CO2 Emissions by Country
Description of emissionsssss -
Test Dataset
Test Dataset 2 -
Geomorphologie Kanton ZG
Geomorphologie bla bla bla -
Bruttowertschöpfung (BIP) Kanton Zug
einige Prosa-Worte zum vorliegenden Datensatz... -
Major cities of the world
List of major cities in the world, the data is extracted from geonames, a very exhaustive list of worldwide toponyms. This datasete only list cities above 15,000 inhabitants.... -
Population figures for countries, regions (e.g. Asia) and the world
This dataset provides population figures for countries, regions, and the world. The data is sourced from the World Bank and has been converted into a standard CSV format. The... -
Global Average Absolute Sea Level Change, 1880-2014
Global Average Absolute Sea Level Change, 1880-2014 from the US Environmental Protection Agency using data from CSIRO, 2015; NOAA, 2015. This data contains “cumulative changes... -
Purchasing power parity (PPP)
Purchasing power parity (PPP). Data are sourced from the World Bank, International Comparison Program database. One dataset is provided: PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per... -
US Employment and Unemployment rates since 1940
Data of the US Employment and Unemployment rates since 1940. The data is obtained from the USA Bureau of Labor Statistics and includes the employment status of the civilian... -
Annual Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) values for most countries in the world, measured relative to the reference year of 2005 (where the value of CPI for all countries is 100). The... -
Country, Regional and World GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
This dataset contains information on the gross domestic product (GDP) of countries, regions, and the world, in current US dollars. The data is sourced from the World Bank, and... -
Natural gas prices
Time series of major Natural Gas Prices including US Henry Hub. Data comes from U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA. Dataset contains Monthly and Daily prices of Natural... -
Residential property price statistics from different countries
Residential property price statistics from different countries. Contains property price indicators (real series are the nominal price series deflated by the consumer price...