List of major cities in the world, the data is extracted from geonames, a very exhaustive list of worldwide toponyms. This datasete only list cities above 15,000 inhabitants. Each city is associated with its country and subcountry to reduce the number of ambiguities. Subcountry can be the name of a state (eg in United Kingdom or the United States of America) or the major administrative section (eg ‘‘region’’ in France’’). See admin1 field on geonames website for further info about subcountry.
Note: some cities like Vatican city or Singapore are a whole state so they don’t belong to any subcountry. Therefore subcountry is N/A.
There is no guaranty that a city has a unique name in a country and subcountry (At the time of writing, there are about 60 ambiguities). But for each city, the source data primary key geonameid is provided.